July 17, 2015


I think that just about everybody is getting into YouTube. I’ve finally uploaded after months and I have decided to upload (hopefully) every Friday. I feel like Friday is the perfect day to get a video in your subscription box! Anyway, after uploading only 3 videos I’ve realized how hard it is to maintain a channel. A lot of YouTubers make it look easy, now that I’m on the other side I see the challenges YouTubers face, especially those just starting out. These are a few of the problems I’ve faced and how I’m getting through them.

I think one of the biggest problems new YouTubers face is comparing themselves to big YouTubers or YouTubers in their niche. I always compare their content to mine and being in beauty/fashion I compare my looks to other beauty gurus as well. Often we compare ourselves only to feel smaller in the end. Just because someone has more subscribers doesn’t mean they are prettier, better, or more talented. A quote I like to remember when I caught up in comparing is

“Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.”

I think that sums it up perfectly. Big YouTubers often have had humble beginnings. Most didn’t have a professional camera right away. Some changed their content halfway through the journey. The important thing is they started somewhere, and they worked hard to be where they are today.

I know a lot of You tubers especially those making fashion and or film videos relates to struggle of not having everything you want for your channel. I want to edit with Final Cut Pro, have cute clothes from American Apparel and Brandy Melville, and have that pretty blurry look with a 1.8 lens. But I’ve come to realize those things aren’t necessary to have good content. It would just be nice tho. ;) But that’s the beauty of YouTube. If you really love to make videos and share content on YouTube then don’t let something like money get in your way. Be creative with your video ideas. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. In the meantime, save up for those things! I’m looking forward to getting a job so I can eventually buy editing equipment, and new clothes. In the meantime, I’m doing the best with what I have.

Finally, coming up with ideas has been a struggle.  I know big projects I want to do in the future but I’m having trouble with content to upload now. To be honest, even though my channel is centered around fashion I’m having a hard time making content because I’m working on updating my closet and as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve got no money to buy new clothes. So I’m trying my best to come up with videos I want to do, or that I feel like I’m able to do with the tools I have. Looking up “how to come up with ideas” on YouTube, and searching blog post ideas on Pinterest has helped.

Another problem I’ve faced is trying to fit into a certain mold to be successful. I’ve felt this pressure that if I didn’t make my videos like the big beauty gurus with 1 million followers, then I would never be successful. Don’t get me wrong, I love that type of content, but I’m into other things like filmmaking. I feel like I can’t do anything besides fashion and beauty because in the blogging world, following one niche, and being good at it, leads to success (usually). I’ve watched countless videos from my favorite YouTubers to gather inspiration for my own content, but along with that, it’s important to separate inspiration from imitating. I have to be myself. I want to make more than just fashion. Maybe I want to create funny videos like ConnorFranta or create beautiful films like JacksGap. The hard part is mixing the elements of film and fashion together. Does the world want to see that? Anyways, it’s just a thought. Building a brand/channel from the ground up is hard work and I’m beginning to understand that now.

The biggest thing for me now is that I’m starting. I’m not procrastinating or using money as an excuse. Because you have to start somewhere before you get anywhere, and I believe with hard work you can make anything happen. Don’t give up.


January 24, 2015

x Welcome! x
I've desired more conversations about acting and literature in the blog world. Desire usually leads to actions, and I've decided to act by creating this blog. I plan to use this space as a storage place of all the things I write. I've always been drawn to the stage and the screen so I'll probably post monologues for actors to use and posts about acting. Moreover, my writing life needs to grow and I believe this blog will help me to expand and grow in that area. Finally I love a good outfit. I want to display my favorite styles and talk a bit about that. I'm simply trying to create a space where I can express myself. Furthermore,  I'm filling a gap. To those actors out there I know many of us want a teen who blogs about acting, or even someone who vlogs about it. I really want to fill the gap and build that community. Overall, I'm experimenting and trying new things because I've been curious about this blogging thing.  Honestly, I'm a beginner at this and not sure where this blog will take me.  All I know is that I am in love with telling stories. This is only the beginning.

September 4, 2014

SHIFT - Photo Journal - #1

I guess that's the word I've been looking for. Not exactly change, but choosing to shift my focus on what's important, and the things I want to accomplish.